Monday, 30 November 2020

My dream holiday

 For my dream holiday I would like my family and I to come together and have activities such                        as rugby, volleyball, swimming, netball and others, I would love to see the smiles on my                              family's faces. In the nights I would like to hear the dogs howl like wolves and I                                    would like to hear the wind whistling on Sunday afternoons while we fall asleep. Throughout the               holiday I would like to go on a road trip with my family down to one of the campsites in the            beautiful coromandels. While we are at coromandels I would like my family and I to go fishing and catch some kinas, flounders, snappers and other seafood. That is what I would love for my dream holiday.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Sam
    Good Job!
    That's very cool that you can post about your dream holiday. I do hope that your dream holiday will actually come true.
    Also have you ever thought about your dream car?


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