Next we went to the pool. When we got to the pool we saw three coaches and Room 11 swimming. After a little while Room 11 got out of the pool. Then the coaches told us they names. After one of the coaches told us to have a shower and tell them our names and enter the pool safely. When we got into the pool the coach inside the pool told us to swimming to the other side of the pool and come back. After swimming to the other side of the pool we had to float on our backs. Next we had to float on our stomach. After floating we done this swimming challenge the challenge was to float on your back and kick with legs.
Then the coaches put into three different groups. Group 1 went to the shallow side and Group 2 and 3 went to the deep side. My group and I were floating on our backs and stomachs. Then group 2's coach said ,"lay on your back for 5 seconds and then turn around on your stomach for another 5 seconds and then stand up."
Finally we the coaches to swimming back to the shallow side and hop out and have a shower. I felt awesome.